Steven Henkind, Principal
Steven Henkind is a principal in CCG. He began his career in healthcare when he designed and developed a computerized database for clinical trials at the National Institutes of Health. He has extensive leadership experience in healthcare/information technology, general business management, and consulting. His clients encompass a broad mix across the major healthcare sectors including academic medical centers, community hospitals, medical group practices, healthcare information/technology vendors, managed care companies, pharmaceuticals (manufacturers, wholesalers, retail, and supporting vendors), medical device manufacturers, product distributors, medical specialty societies, group purchasing organizations, industry trade organizations, and other major entities. Prior to joining CCG, he served as Medical Director for the Tampa Region of the Adventist Health System. Prior to that he was Vice President & General Manager of Medtronic Inc./Paceart responsible for all aspects of running the Paceart operating unit of Medtronic. Prior to that, he held key positions with PricewaterhouseCoopers, L.L.P. including National Director for eHealth, Director for Pharmaceutical /Disease Management Practice, and Managing Associate for Healthcare Information Technology. Prior to PwC, he was with First Consulting Group (FCG) as the National Medical Director. Prior to FCG, he was a physician at St Joseph’s Medical Center and an Instructor in Computer Science at New York University.
- Led a CPOE optimization analysis (Allscripts SCM) for North Mississippi Health Services.
- Developed an information systems plan, and performed a CPOE readiness assessment (Meditech), for Valley Presbyterian Hospital.
- Served as an expert witness for litigation involving Meditech and Epic EMRs.
- Provided extensive Cerner CPOE go-live support at four major teaching hospitals.
- Acted as Regional CMIO with responsibility for rollout and optimization of Cerner’s EMR and CPOE at 4 hospitals Activities included:
- Florida Hospital North Pinellas: Migrated this 168 bed community hospital from a hybrid paper and computerized (McKesson STAR) environment, to a totally electronic environment (Cerner). Achieved 91.9% Leapfrog metric (medication CPOE), and 91.6% overall CPOE, within two weeks of go live.
- Florida Hospital Carrollwood: Migrated this 120 bed community hospital from a hybrid computerized (Siemens Invision/GE Centricity) and paper environment to a totally electronic environment (Cerner). Achieved 92.5% Leapfrog CPOE and 93.2% total CPOE, within two weeks of go live.
- Florida Hospital Long Term Acute Care Hospital: Implemented Cerner EMR and CPOE in this paper-based 50 bed long term acute care hospital. Achieved 73.2% Leapfrog CPOE and 74.9% overall CPOE, within two weeks of go live.
- Florida Hospital Tampa: Migrated this 450 bed tertiary care/teaching hospital from Siemens/GE to Cerner (full CPOE and EMR). Achieved 93.1% Leapfrog CPOE and 90.9% overall CPOE within two weeks of go live.
- CPOE and EMR Optimization: Participated in development of the corporate strategy and planning for CPOE/EMR optimization across the entire health system (44 hospitals). Specific responsibility for leading physician optimization in the Tampa region (4 hospitals). Optimization efforts led to extensive voluntary adoption of computerized physician documentation (> 100% computerized notes/100 patient days), increased use and quality of Problem Lists, and > 90% use of evidence based order sets for major diagnoses.
- For West Tennessee Healthcare (one of the top ten largest not for profit healthcare systems in the country), developed a comprehensive long range information systems plan which encompassed six hospitals and numerous owned and affiliated outpatient facilities.
- For HCR ManorCare, the nation’s largest nursing home chain, assisted with e-Prescribing. This assistance included strategic planning, vendor selection, and implementation planning.
- Served as the expert witness for the defendant in a healthcare software/intellectual property lawsuit involving Computerized Physician Order Entry (CPOE). My testimony was the key factor in dismissal of the charges and avoidance of a multi-million dollar penalty.
- For the National Association of Chain Drug Stores, conducted a market analysis and developed a strategic plan to assist members with electronic prescribing. This work led to the development of SureScripts Inc., the nations leading e-Prescribing infrastructure. Provided a variety of implementation and strategic services to SureScripts.
- For Wayne Memorial Health System, developed a long range information systems plan, assisted with contract negotiations, and provided implementation oversight for a total replacement of clinical and financial systems.
- For Hewlett Packard, evaluated the business potential of a new technology to be introduced for Electronic Medical Records and Clinical Trials. Assisted with the marketing strategy for this technology.
- Developed a long range information systems plan for Raritan Bay Medical Center including technological, organizational, financial, and project sequencing components.
- Developed an Internet strategy for the University of Chicago Hospital and Health System. Conducted an internal and external assessment, identified and prioritized opportunities, and developed an implementation framework.
- For the American College of Cardiology, managed a market assessment for the National Cardiac Data Registry. Developed a business plan including operational, organizational, information technology, and financial components. Assisted with an evaluation of the Electronic Medical Record market.
- Developed an Internet strategy for the Stanford School of Medicine. The strategy was designed to support and enhance the tripartite mission of the school (education, research, patient care), as well as to allow for potential commercialization and industrial partnerships.
- Managed a major project to define and develop VHA’s Clinical Effectiveness Initiative. Initial work focused on a market study aimed at Chief Executive Officers and Chief Medical Officers. Developed a strategy and business plan to launch the initiative. This work led to the nationwide rollout of VHA’s Clinical Advantage program. Developed a strategic framework for clinical knowledge management.
- For IMS America, the world’s largest vendor of healthcare data, managed a major market and strategic study of diversification opportunities in terms of new customer bases, and new product lines. Assisted with a variety of strategic, tactical, and implementation issues.
- Managed and participated in a number of acquisition due diligence projects (the acquisition targets were healthcare information technology companies) on behalf of investment bankers, pharmaceutical companies, a publishing/media company, and others.
- Managed and participated in numerous healthcare information technology projects for healthcare providers including diagnostic reviews, strategic plans, vendor selections, computer-based patient record plans, information security reviews, implementations and other projects.
- Medicine and Surgery, New York State, #182731
- The Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center Internship in Internal Medicine
- M.D. The Mount Sinai School of Medicine
- Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences (Computer Science), Thesis research involved the application of computer science and mathematical techniques to cardiac monitoring systems.
- The City University of New York, Graduate School M.Phil. in Biomedical Sciences,
- New York University, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences M.S. in Computer Science,
- Cornell University, College of Arts and Sciences B.A. in Physics/Computer Science,
- Numerous academic honors and awards including Dean’s List, M.D./Ph.D. Training Fellowship, National Institutes of Health Research Fellowship, AOA Medical Honor Society, Hewlett-Packard Medical Graduate Award, CUNY Alumni Achievement Award, and others.
Professional Affiliations and Publications:
- American Heart Association, Board Member of Northern New Jersey Region (2002-2005)
- Health Information and Management Systems Society, Senior Member
- Warner-Lambert, Member of e-Business Advisory Board (Prior to Pfizer acquisition)
- PUBLICATIONS Peer Review Publications
- Henkind SJ, Sinnett JC. Patient care, square rigger sailing, and safety. JAMA. 2008; 300(14):1691-1693.
- Henkind SJ. Physician involvement in information systems: an overview of the issues. In: Proceedings of the 1994 annual HIMSS conference, 1994:Volume 2:33-41.
- Henkind SJ, Orlowski JM, Skarulis PC. Application of a multi-level access model in the development of a security infrastructure for a clinical information system. In: Proceedings of the 17th annual SCAMC meeting, 1993:64-68.
- Henkind SJ, Glaser J, Grandia L, Lott L. Information systems management –best demonstrated practices: the results of a benchmark study. In: Proceedings of the 1993 annual HIMSS conference, 1993:65-72.
- Henkind, SJ, Harrison MC. An analysis of four uncertainty calculi. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 1988:18:700-14.
- Henkind SJ. Imprecise meanings as a cause of uncertainty in medical knowledge-based systems (book chapter). In: Lemmer J, Kanal LN, eds. Uncertainty in artificial intelligence, vol II. New York, North Holland, 1988:35-41.
- Henkind SJ, Benis AM, Teichholz LE. The paradox of pulsus paradoxus. American Heart Journal, 1987:114:198-203.
- Henkind SJ, Yager RR, Benis AM, Harrison MC (book chapter). A clinical alarm system using techniques from artificial intelligence and fuzzy set theory. In Sanchez E., Zadeh LA, eds. Approximate reasoning in intelligent systems, decision and control. New York: Pergamon Press, 1987:91-104.
- Henkind SJ, Benis AM, Teichholz LE. Quantification as a means to increase the utility of nomenclature-classification systems. In Proceedings of the fifth world congress on medical informatics. 1986:858-861.
- Henkind SJ. PASCAL punctuation (letter to the editor). M.D. Computing, 1986 March/April 8.
- Henkind SJ, Teichholz LE, Harrison MC. Intensive care unit monitoring using a real-time expert system. In: Proceedings of the eleventh IEEE computers in cardiology conference. 1984:7-12
- Award winning series of articles in Healthplan (2001 Silver Award from the American Society of Healthcare Publication Editors for Best Regular Department):
- Lutz S, Henkind SJ. A Primer of E-Health Terms. Healthplan 2001:42:6:64-67.
- Lutz S, Henkind SJ. E-mail: Taming the Monster. Healthplan 2001:42:5:74-78.
- Lutz S, Henkind SJ. Plan Websites: Building Traffic. Healthplan 2001:42:4:72-74.
- Lutz S, Henkind SJ. The Role of ASPs. Healthplan 2001:42:3:78-80.
- Lutz S, Henkind SJ. From E-lation to Strategy: Assessing E-Business Programs. Healthplan 2001:42:2:66-70.
- Lutz S, Henkind SJ. Getting Physicians Online. Healthplan 2001:42:1:56-60.
- Lutz S, Henkind SJ. The Web Fuels Interest in Defined Contribution. Healthplan 2000:41:6:62-66.
- Lutz S, Henkind SJ. Recruiting for Clinical Trials on the Web. Healthplan, 2000:41:5:36-43.
- Lutz S, Henkind SJ. HIPAA, Health Plans, and the Web. Healthplan, 2000:41:4:50-52.
- Lutz S, Henkind SJ. The Internet: New Frontiers in Service to the Health Care Consumer. Healthplan, 2000:41:3:33-38.
- PRESENTATIONS – Over a hundred lectures for a wide variety of audiences including regional, national and international meetings, senior corporate management and boards, industry associations, academic departments and healthcare providers. Representative lectures include:
- “Whatever Happened to eHealth?” Foundation for Accounting Education, August 7, 2001.
- “Introduction to Healthcare Information Management.” Aventis Pharmaceuticals, January 25, 2001.
- “Ordering the Chaos of e-Business” (lead speaker/session moderator). NWDA (National Wholesale Druggists Association) Annual Meeting, October 28, 2000.
- “Overview of e-Business models.” Presentation to the board of Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Georgia, September 15, 2000.
- “e-Health: The Opportunities and Issues.” Connecticut Hospital Association, May 15, 2000
- “Impacts of e-Business on the Healthcare Products Supply Chain.” Presentation for the board of the NWDA, March 21, 2000.
- “Pharmaceutical/Biotech/PBM/Distributor Perspectives” (session moderator). Health Internet 2000: The Financing and Partnering Congress, March 9, 2000.
- “What is the Value of the Internet to Health Systems, Ambulatory Care and Other Providers?” (session moderator). Financing, Alliances and Strategies for Internet Healthcare Companies, January 25, 2000.
- “The Internet and Healthcare: Making a Business Case” (keynote speaker). National Conference of Pharmaceutical Organizations Annual Board Meeting, January 5, 2000.
- “Pharmaceutical/PBM/Distributor Perspectives on E-Health” (session moderator). Health Internet 2000: The Financing and Partnering Congress, November 1, 1999.
- “The Internet and Healthcare: Opportunities and Issues.” PricewaterhouseCoopers 1999 Thought Leadership Forum at Harvard University, October 28, 1999.
- “Overview of Emerging Information Technologies.” Presentation to the Executive Committee of the University of Chicago Hospitals and Health System, July 15, 1999
- “Disease Management and Information Technology.” HBSI National Conference, March 28, 1999.
- “Electronic Commerce: Technology Solutions for Health Care” (panelist). HIGPA (Health Industry Group Purchasing Association) International Exposition, October 13, 1998.
- “The Business of Disease Management.” Presentation to senior management (and subsequently the board) of Voluntary Hospitals of America, March 9, 1998.
- “The Role of Information Technology in Disease Management.” Conference on Financing and Strategic Alliances for Emerging Health Care Information Systems Companies, January 23, 1998.
- “Getting Closer to the Customer – The Role of Information Technology.” World Pharmaceuticals Conference, March 26, 1997.
- “Information and Information Technology: Critical Success Factors for Disease Management.” Conference on Financing and Strategic Alliances for Emerging Health Information Systems Companies, January 31, 1997.
- “Security of Computer-Based Patient Records: A Critical Issue in Clinical Information Systems Implementation.” Conference on Image-Capable Advanced Clinical Information Systems, November 20, 1996.
- “Physician Involvement in Information Systems: An Overview of the Issues.” HIMSS (Health Information and Management Systems Society) Annual Meeting. February 15, 1994.
- “Application of a Multilevel Access Model in the Development of a Security Infrastructure for a Clinical Information System.” SCAMC (Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care) Annual Meeting. November 2, 1993.
- “Vendor Approaches to the Computerized Patient Record.” AHIMA (American Health Information Management Association) Annual Meeting. October 12, 1993.
- “Panel: Vendor Approached to the Electronic Medical Record – Differences and Similarities” (session moderator). AMIA (American Medical Informatics Association) Spring Meeting, May 11, 1993.
- “Tutorial: Security of Computerized Patient Record System.” AMIA (American Medical Informatics Association) Spring Meeting. May 9, 1993.
- “Community Health Information Networks and the Computer-Based Patient Record.” AHAPRE (Allied Hospital Association Public Relations Executives) Annual Meeting. May 6, 1993.
- “Medical Decision Making: Electronic Decision Support.” HIMSS Annual Meeting, March 4, 1993
14012 Shady Shores Drive
Tampa, Florida 33613
Telephone 914-420-1615 Cellular
email: StevenHenkind@CavanaughConsulting.org