Richard S. Dick Ph.D., Principal
Dr. Richard S. Dick is a Principal in CCG and CEO of InnovaTrend, Inc. He holds a Ph.D. in Medical Biophysics and Computing from the University of Utah, where he worked under Homer R. Warner, M.D., Ph.D., at LDS Hospital. Dr. Dick was director of the Advanced Computer-based Patient Record Division at Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC). SAIC has been a leader in developing clinical information systems for the DoD and holds the world’s largest single contract for designing, developing, and installing clinical information systems (valued at approximately 2 billion dollars). He was the founder and Executive Director of the Coalition to Create the Computer-based Patient Record Institute (CPRI). In that capacity, he led the initiative to found the CPRI, which was officially incorporated in 1992. Briefly, the mission of the CPRI is to initiate and coordinate the essential activities that will establish the routine use of computer-based patient records in virtually all healthcare settings in the U.S., optimally within a decade. Dr. Dick was also formerly Study Director and Senior Staff Officer at the National Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Medicine (IOM) in Washington, for the landmark study on the Computer?based Patient Record (CPR). He and Elaine Steen are the editors of the book that reported this study, The Computer-based Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Health Care, the second edition was published in November 1997.
Dr. Dick has over 30 years of diverse computer experience, including positions as Senior Systems Analyst with Boeing Computer Services, Inc. and as Systems Programmer at Sperry Univac, where he developed operating systems and data communications software. He has founded several companies including Avatar Systems, Inc., which developed an integrated library and information retrieval system known as LS/2000. LS/2000 is now owned and marketed by Ameritech. While at the National Library of Medicine (NLM), he served as Deputy Chief of the Bibliographic Services Division (MEDLINE) and also as the project leader responsible for pioneering the development of the Integrated Library System (ILS), a major research program at the NLM. He has strong research interests in developing linkages between clinical decision support and bibliographic systems.
- Established ASCENTechnologies as a virtual healthcare information technology firm with access to 50+ senior and renowned healthcare information technologies professionals
- Facilitated the establishment of Advanced Projects Group (APG) of Science Application International Corporation (SAIC) Provided continuing input to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), the General Accounting Office (GAO), and the Department of Defense (DoD) for national CPR studies and initiatives.
- Worked with the Advanced Research Projects Agency’s (ARPA) to establish their healthcare research agenda.
- Facilitated SAIC’s comprehensive strategic plan for healthcare, which resulted in the consolidation and restructuring of all of SAIC’s healthcare activities.
- Directed a study focused on accelerating the realization of the computer-based patient record. This is the most comprehensive study of clinical computing undertaken by the National Academy of Sciences.
- Produced for the IOM the book The Computer-based Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Health Care which has resulted in several national initiatives, including legislation for the CPR.
- Led the national effort to establish the Computer-based Patient Record Institute (CPRI).
- Developed a knowledge-based system for integrating disparate software tools, and then used a knowledge-based interface on top of the tools to hide the complexities of the underlying tools.
- Developed applications software for a variety of massively parallel processing platforms.
- Assembled and directed the software development team for the new hypercube (massively parallel processors – NCUBE, Intel) and other parallel computing architectures (e.g., Multiflow, Ametek, Flavors Technology) for both number crunching (finite element analysis) and non-numeric applications.
- Launched and developed projects and proposals for designing parallel processing-based workstations for 3D imaging of atherosclerotic lesions in the arterial tree, with a special focus on coronary arteriography.
- Coordinated research efforts that resulted in a patent for a hand-held (credit-card size) Personal Authentication Device (PAD), used to authenticate an individual’s identity before completing remote transactions.
- Initiated research to develop SGML-based generalized software to transform outputs from one system into acceptable input streams of other target systems.
- At the Bibliographic Services Division (BSD), managed a staff of more than 60 professionals with responsibility for the MEDLARS system worldwide. MEDLARS is the most comprehensive and widely-used system for medical literature searching in the world.
- At Lister Hill, directed the design and development of the Integrated Library System (ILS). ILS was a research and development project directed at testing and proving new concepts for integrated software.
- Through an inter-agency agreement, managed and completed the first installation of the ILS for the Department of Defense in the Pentagon. Today, more than a decade later, the system I installed in the Pentagon is still running.
- Designed minicomputer applications and systems with BOEING COMPUTER SERVICES, INC. of McLean, VA for several government agencies. Applications dealt with designs for powerful input systems using advanced HP terminals.
- Had the opportunity to study directly under the Chairman, Homer R. Warner, MD, Ph.D. Dr. Warner is a leading authority on clinical decision making systems (expert systems for clinical medicine).
- Ph.D. in Medical Biophysics and Computing from the University of Utah, where he worked under Homer R. Warner, M.D., Ph.D., at LDS Hospital.
- Master of Library Science (M.L.S.) from Case Western Reserve University
- Degrees in Computer Science and Biology from Brigham Young University
- Additionally, at age 18, he was the youngest member of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir in Salt Lake City, Utah. He had the opportunity to perform some of the world’s greatest music and produce recordings with both the Philadelphia Philharmonic Orchestra under Eugene Ormandy and the New York Philharmonic Orchestra under Leonard Bernstein.
Professional Affiliations:
- Adjunct Professor of Medical Informatics at the Chicago Medical School Faculty member of The Informatics Institute in Bethesda, MD
- He has also served on the IEEE’s Subcommittee for Computing & Applications Infrastructure of the U.S. Committee for Computing and Infrastructure Policy and as the Functional Co-Chair of the Object Management Group’s (OMG) Healthcare Domain Task Force.
- The Computer-based Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Health Care. Editor, with Elaine Steen. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 1991.
- The Computer-based Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Health Care. 2nd Edition. Editor, with Elaine Steen. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 1997.
- Emerging Computer-based Patient Record Systems: A Global Perspective, with Eleanor Feldbaum. London: The Financial Times of London, 1997.
Published Articles:
- “The CPR: An Essential Technology for the Delivery of E-Health Care.” ADVANCE for Health Information Executives, vol. 4, no.8, 2000, with William F. Andrew.
- “1998 CPR Systems Market Summary.” Advance for Health Information Executives, vol. 2, no. 8, August 1998, with William F. Andrew.
- “The Foundation of the Pyramid.” Advance for Health Information Executives, vol. 2, no. 6, June 1998, with William F. Andrew.
- “Constructing the CPR Pyramid.” Advance for Health Information Executives, vol. 2, no. 5, May, 1998, with William F. Andrew.
- “Venturing Off the Beaten Calf Path: It’s Time to Blaze New CPR Trails.” Healthcare Informatics, no. 5, May 1997, with William F. Andrew.
- “CPR Update: Where We’ve Been and Where We’re Headed.” Healthcare Informatics, vol. 14, no. 2, February 1997, with William F. Andrew.
- “On the Road to the CPR: Where are We Now?” Healthcare Informatics, vol. 13, no. 5, May 1996.
- “The CPR: An Evaluative Perspective.” Healthcare Informatics, vol. 13, no. 2, February 1996, with William F. Andrew.
- “The Computer-based Patient Record: A Definitional Perspective.” Healthcare Informatics, vol. 13, no. 1, January 1996, with William F. Andrew.
- “Computerized patient records are the future.” Managed Care Strategies, vol. 2, no. 9, October 1995.
- “Computer-based Patient Record Systems: How They Will Change the Way You Practice.” Practice Pointers: Computers, Telephone Systems, and Record keeping. New York: The American Osteopathic Association, 1996.
- “Applied Information Technology: A Clinical Perspective–Feature Focus: The Computer-based Patient Record (Part 1).” Computers in Nursing, vol. 13, no. 2, March/April 1995, with William F. Andrew, PE.
- “Applied Information Technology: A Clinical Perspective–Feature Focus: The Computer-based Patient Record (Part 2).” Computers in Nursing, vol. 13, no. 3, May/June 1995, with William F. Andrew, PE.
- “Applied Information Technology: A Clinical Perspective–Feature Focus: The Computer-based Patient Record (Part 3).” Computers in Nursing, vol. 13, no. 4, July/August 1995, with William F. Andrew, PE.
- “Explosive Growth in CPRs: Evaluation Criteria Needed.” Healthcare Informatics, vol. 12, no. 2, February 1995, with William F. Andrew, PE.
- “Point of Care: An Essential Technology for the CPR.” Healthcare Informatics, vol. 12, no. 5, May 1995, with William F. Andrew, PE.
- “Still Searching for the ‘Holy Grail’.” Health Management Technology, vol. 16, no. 2, February 1995, with James M. Gabler.
- Participant/Speaker, Opening Session, TEPR ‘98 (Toward an Electronic Patient Record ‘98), “Burying the Paper Record,” San Antonio, Texas, 12 May 1998.
- Presenter, with Victor Dorodny, M.D., Ph.D., TEPR’98, Why HITAC? Health Information Technology Assessment and Certification, San Antonio Texas, 13 May 1998.
- Presenter, with William F. Andrew, P.E., TEPR’98, 1998 CPR Market Report, San Antonio, Texas, 15 May 1998.
- Participant/Speaker, Opening Session, TEPR ‘97 (Toward an Electronic Patient Record ‘97), “At Emerald City: A Horse of Another Color–Standards and System Interfaces,” a segment of The Yellow Brick Road Toward an Electronic Medical Record!, Nashville, TN, April 29, 1997.
- Conference Co-Chair and Speaker, Second Annual Symposium on Integrated Healthcare Information Systems: Systems Solutions for the 21st Century, Impact of Information Systems on the Future of Integrated Healthcare Systems, Colorado Springs, CO, April 21-23, 1997.
- Conference Chair and Speaker, Implementing a Clinical Data Repository, Fully Exploiting the Power of the Clinical Data Repository Through the Use of Complementary Technologies, Coral Gables, FL, March 17-19, 1997.
- Speaker, 1996 Clinic Club Information Systems Meeting, What is the CPR: Definitions and Distinctions, Fargo, ND, September 17, 1996.
- Keynote Speaker, California Health Information Association’s 3rd Annual Technology Symposium, Our Quest for Robust CPR Systems, the “Holy Grail of Medicine”: Where are We Now? Burbank, CA, August 23, 1996.
- Conference Organizer and Panel Moderator, The First Annual Network-based Realtime Clinical Decision Support Workshop, Scalable High Performance Systems, Cambridge, MA, June 26-27, 1996.
- Panel Chair/Presenter, TEPR ‘96 (Toward an Electronic Patient Record ‘96), Patient Empowerment: The Next Frontier in Electronic Information Technology, San Diego, CA, May 16, 1996.
- Presenter, HIMSS ‘96, The Computer-based Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Healthcare/The IOM Study Director’s View of the CPR, Atlanta, GA, March 4, 1996.
- Conference Chairperson and Speaker, Developing Information Infrastructures for Integrated Healthcare Delivery, Archival Storage Technologies: A Fundamental Infrastructure Component, Atlanta, GA, January 30-31, 1996.
- Conference Chairperson and Speaker, Overcoming Obstacles for Today’s Implementation of the Computer-based Patient Record, Defining the Electronic Medical Record: Pragmatic Criteria and Real Strategies, New Orleans, LA, January 18-19, 1996.
- Speaker, 3rd Annual Straight Talk on the Computerized Patient Record, Getting Started: Guide to Vendors, Databases, Interfaces, Atlanta, December 4, 1995.
- Workshop Leader, Post-Conference Workshop, International Quality and Productivity Center, Information Management for Integrated Healthcare Delivery, Pragmatic Considerations for a CPR System Selection: the Systems, the vendors, and the Marketplace, Chicago, November 17, 1995, with William F. Andrew.
- Speaker, International Quality and Productivity Center’s Information Management for Integrated Healthcare Delivery, Development of CPRs: An Analysis of Our Progress, Chicago, November 16, 1995.
- Speaker, The North Carolina Healthcare Information and Communications Alliance (NCHICA), Health Information Sharing: The Art of the Possible, Information Technologies: Evaluating and Implementing Point-of-Care Data Collection Tools, Pinehurst, NC, October 19, 1995.
- Speaker, Idaho HIMSS, Idaho Hospital Association Annual Convention, The Computer-based Patient Record (CPR), Sun Valley, ID, September 25, 1995.
- Program Chairperson, Healthcare Informatics Telecom Network, Database Management Systems: Cornerstone of the CPR, Washington, D.C., August 16, 1995.
- Panel Member, International Medical Informatics Association, 8th World Congress on Medical Informatics (MEDINFO’95), The International Patient Identifier, Vancouver, B.C., July 26, 1995.
- Presenter, Pre-Congress Tutorial, International Medical Informatics Association, 8th World Congress on Medical Informatics (MEDINFO’95), Point-of-Care: An Essential Technology for the Computer-based Patient Record, Vancouver, B.C., July 21, 1995.
- Speaker, CICPB, Planning and Implementing the Computer Based Patient Record, Emerging CPR Technologies, Chicago, July 12, 1995.
- Panel Member, COMNET Society Annual Chin Summit, CHINs and the Data Repository: Liberating Paper-Bound Clinical Information, Chicago, June 20, 1995.
- Presenter, Health Care Technology Policy II – The Role of Technology in the Cost of Health Care: Providing the Solutions, Current Methods for Technology Evaluation, Arlington, VA, May 10, 1995.
- Speaker, Medical College of Wisconsin CME Program, Charting the Way Toward a Computer-Based Patient Record, Electronic Patient Record: Current Status and Progress Towards the Future, Milwaukee, WI, April 28, 1995.
- Speaker, Colorado Association of HIMSS, Emerging Healthcare Information Technologies, Denver, CO, April 14, 1995.
460 Peach Tree Circle Alpine, UT 84004
Telephone (801)362-6952 Cellular
email: RichardDick@CavanaughConsulting.org