Rajiv Kapur, Ph.D., Principal
Dr. Kapur is an Principal in CCG. Previously he was President of TechSERV. Dr. Kapur has over 30 years experience in business and information systems. Prior to CCG and TechSERV Dr. Kapur was Senior Vice President and CIO of Doctors Community Healthcare Corporation where he was responsible for information systems and telecommunications for Michael Reese, Pacifica, Pine Grove, Greater Southeast, Hadley Memorial and Brea hospitals. Prior to that he was Vice President and Chief Information Officer of Adventist HealthCare an integrated health care network based primarily in the Washington Metropolitan area consisting of three acute care hospitals, long-term-care facilities, home health agencies, sleep disorder centers, cardiac rehabilitation center, sub-acute care centers, urgent care centers and a point of service managed care system for its employees. Prior to that he was Vice President for SoftMed Systems a medical records software development company with over 1500 clients throughout U.S. and Canada. Prior to that he was Assistant Administrator, Systems at Georgetown University Medical Center responsible for information systems, management engineering, decision support system, telecommunications and information systems for Faculty Practice Plan. Prior to that he held positions at Holy Cross Hospital, North American Phillips and taught at Wichita State University.
- Developed a detailed project plan to conduct gap analysis for HIPAA Transaction and Code Sets 837 I and P at St. Joseph’s Regional Medical Center and St. Joseph’s Wayne Hospital (2003)
- Developed and implemented a cost/functionally effective methodology for selecting a computer system for Doctors Community Healthcare Corporation – a national health care chain (1998)
- Developed a database for TSI’s cost accounting system at the New England Medical Center, Boston, MA (1986)
- Designed and Programmed a comprehensive SNF information system for The Washington Home, Washington, DC – a long term care facility. The MIS included programs on Fixed Asset Ledger and Resident Scheduling (1984)
- Optimized systems using the following techniques: algorithms for ORs; patient classification for nursing; computer models to predict par levels in materials management; incentive systems in the ORs, HIM coding and medical transcription
- Installed Walker’s Materials Management, A/P and Purchasing Systems. In addition implemented AIM to interface with Walker and facilitate unit charge/use reconciliation
- Designed, developed and implemented a patient care information system (PCIS) in 1991. This system utilized an innovative approach to computerized physician order entry and electronic medical record. Reduced OT in units that PCIS was implemented
- Implemented a physician system, include a secure remote link with physician offices, that was implemented in 200 physician offices
- Selected and implemented a claims adjudication, contract management and central verification system to facilitate AHC’s point of care product for its employees
- Designed and implemented LAN and computer systems at Serra Physician Clinic
- Implemented a central Help Desk at DCHC. First tier help desk handled 80% of incoming calls within six months of startup. Overall user satisfaction increased from 95% to 98.5%. Met over 90% of SLAs. Reduced IT expense by $200K
- Conducted due diligence in fifteen hospitals over the past four years. This process highlighted problems and opportunities at each facility. The final report presented solutions to reduce IT operating cost and increase system effectiveness
- Converted SMS at DC General and HBOC Star at Greater Southeast Hospital, disparate non-integrated systems, to an integrated Meditech platform. Completed 35 interfaces and 8 conversions. Clean bills dropped after 30 days of go-live. Replaced HBOC’s FM staff with in-house staff by end of 2001. IT operating expense reduced from $4M in 2001 to $1.6M in 2002
- Chief HIPAA compliance officer for Michael Reese Hospital and Medical Center, Pacifica Hospital, Brea Community Hospital, Greater Southeast Community Hospital, Hadley Memorial Hospital and Pine Grove Hospital. These entities were owned and operated by DCHC. Implemented Security rules based on NPRM and completed gap analysis for Privacy and Transaction/Code Sets by Oct 2002. Completed most remediation tasks for Privacy by Nov 2002
- Designed and developed workload standards for a patient classification system for Surgical, Medical, OB/GYN, Peds and Nursery nursing units
- Developed computer models to predict warehouse storage needs for the Medical Center.
- Designed a Personnel Performance Evaluation System using the analytic hierarchical process. This System was extended to all personnel evaluations at GUH.
- Designed and directed studies in major support areas such as Purchasing, Admitting, Dietary, Central Stores, Materials Management, Transportation, Medical Records and Environmental Services Departments.
- Ph.D. – Engineering, University of Texas at Arlington Texas
- MS – Industrial Engineering, University of Texas at Arlington Texas
- BS – Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India
- BSc Science, Christ Church College, India
Professional Affiliations:
- Teaching
- Taught a number of MIS and related courses as an Adjunct Professor at Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Georgetown University, George Washington University and University of Maryland
Publications and Presentations
- Invited speaker at Health Conferences in France, Germany, England and Belgium to discuss Patient Care Information System developed at Georgetown Medical Center, 1993
- “New Demand for CIOs in Integrated Delivery Systems” presented at the UHC-HIEF Conference, July 29, 1995.
- “Sun-Based Patient Care Information System Improves Quality, Lowers Costs at Georgetown University Medical Center” published in Journal of Computers in HealthCare, June, 1993.
- “Hospital Information System – Present and Future Perspectives” faculty at the third international PACS-RIS School, Washington, DC, April 15-17, 1993.
- “Patient Care Information System – A Unique Perspective” presented at HIMSS, San Diego, CA, March 1993.
- “Image Management and Communications for Radiology” published in IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology, March 1993 (co-authored with S. K. Mun and M. Freedman).
- “A CIO Roundtable Discussion” participated in a panel to discuss the role of CIOs, Maryland Society of Healthcare Information Systems Management, Baltimore, MD, March 11, 1993.
- “CPR 2001 – The Next Stage” invited faculty at a special satellite broadcast hosted by Jim Hartz of PBS, New York City, NY, January 7, 1993.
- “The Electronic Medical Record” presented at Georgetown’s Computer in Health Care Conference and Exhibits, Washington, DC, December 7, 1992.
- “Developing a Clinical Information System” presented at CEIM 92 Conference, Paris, France, June 2, 1992.
- “Developing Clinical Systems” videotaped by KLHJ Healthline for nationwide distribution, Irvine, CA, May 1992.
- “Financial Performance Reporting System” presented at UHC’s CFO/CNO/COO Conference, Pasadena, CA, March 8-10, 1992.
- “Patient Care Information System – An Update” presented at University Hospital Consortium’s Chief Information Officer Conference in Hilton Head, S.C., March 22-24, 1992.
- “Continuous Quality Improvement” presented at University Hospital Consortium’s Chief Information Officer Conference in Hilton Head, S.C., March 22-24, 1992.
- “Vision of the Future for Hospital Information Systems” presented at the first joint session of CEO’s and CIO’s of the University Hospital Consortium, Dallas, TX, October 3-5.
- “Hospital Information Systems” taught in the first PACS-RIS school offered by Georgetown University Medical Center and Bowman Gray School of Medicine of Wake Forest University, Washington, DC, March 28, 1991.
- “Patient Care Information System of the Future” presented at the 2nd Annual Conference in Computers in Health Care, Washington, DC, March 26, 1991.
- Referee for the international journal “Computers and Industrial Engineering.” Referee on issues relating to service industry productivity and information system design.
- “Discrete Simulation Application – Scheduling Staff for the Emergency Room,” published in the proceedings of the 1989 Winter Simulation Conference in Washington, DC, December 4-6, 1989, (co-authored with A. Kumar).
- “Medical Records Coders Incentive Scheme,” presented and published in the proceedings of the 10th Annual Computers & Industrial Engineering Conference in Dallas, TX, March 23-25, 1988, (co-authored with A. Kumar).
- “A Practical Algorithm for Designing Manpower Information Systems,” presented and published in the proceedings of the 1987 international Industrial Engineering Conference in Washington, DC, May 17-20, 1987, (co-authored with N. Brothers).
- “Evaluating Inventory Turns for Hospital Environment,” presented and published in the proceedings of the 9th Annual Computers & Industrial Engineering Conference in Atlanta, GA, March 18-20, 1987.
- “A Scheduling Algorithm to Optimize Staff Utilization: A Micro-Computer Application,” presented and published in the Proceedings of the American Association for Medical Systems and Information, CONGRESS 86, Anaheim, CA, May 8-10, 1986, (co-authored with I. Bokhari).
- “Issues in Conducting Research in Nursing Productivity,” served on a four-member panel at the 1986 National Invitational Conference on Nursing Productivity, Virginia, April 18, 1986.
- “Management Engineering: Its Emerging Role in Hospitals,” presented at the 1986 Tristate Conference, Washington, DC, March 27, 1986.
- “Management Systems: We Do Product Costing Right,” presented and published in the proceedings of the 14th Annual Conference of HIMSS, Lake Bueno Vista, Florida, February 12-16, (co-authored with M. Harrison).
- “Calculation of Optimal Staffing for Multiple Machine Assignment,” presented at American Association for Clinical Chemistry, 36th National Meeting, Washington, DC, July 29-Aug 3, 1984, (co-authored with R. McPhearson).
- “Job Design for Persons with Physical Disabilities,” published in the proceedings of the AIIE, New Orleans, LA, May 23-27, 1982, (co-authored with D. Liles).
- “Ergonomics, Job Systems Analysis and Training,” presented at the Annual Governor’s Industrial Safety and Health Conference, Topeka, KS, October 2, 1981.
- “Regression Analysis of Job Design Parameters and Available Motion Inventory Subtests,” presented at the Rehabilitation Engineering Society of North America, Washington, DC, September 1981.
- “Ergonomics, Fitting the Task to the Worker,” presented at American Society of Safety Engineers Chapter Conference, Wichita, KS, March 2, 1981, (co-authored with J. Leslie).
- “Job Design and Employee Placement for the Physically Disabled,” presented to Sherman, Texas Chapter of the AIIE, Sherman, Texas, February 1981, (co-authored with D. Liles and D. Malzahn).
- “An Ability Evaluation System for Persons with Physical Disabilities,” presented and included in the proceedings of the Human Factors Society Annual Convention, Los Angeles, CA, October 15, 1980, (co-authored with D. Malzahn).
- “Assisting Physically Handicapped Workers through Adaptive Devices and Industrial Engineering” presented at the Ellensburg III Conference, Ellensburg, Washington, June 26, 1980, (co-authored with P. Terick).
- “Employment, Engineering, and Housing-Support Services for the Physically Handicapped” presented at the Ellensburg III Conference, Ellensburg, Washington, June 26, 1980, (co-authored with P. Terick). San Francisco, CA
1036 Garrity Way Santa Clara, CA 95054
Telephone: 408-489-7135 Cellular E-Fax: 530-236-9022
email: RajivKapur@CavanaughConsulting.org