Michael R. Cohen, M.M., Principal
Michael R. Cohen is a principal in CCG. Mr. Cohen has experience as a consultant, information systems vendor and hospital administrator. Prior to joining CCG he founded MRC Consulting Group in 1998. Prior to that he was Vice President at Sheldon I. Dorenfest & Associates, a Senior Manager at Arthur Young & Company (now Cap Gemini Ernst and Young), a marketing support specialist at McDonnell Douglas Automation Company (now McKessonHBOC), a manager at Arthur Andersen and Company (now Accenture), and an administrator at Cook County Hospital. He has experience helping health care organizations to get more value out of their information technology (IT) investments. He has enabled scores of healthcare clients to make good IT decisions, with widespread organizational support, on time/on budget success, favorable contractual terms and significant operational improvements. Areas of expertise include systems planning, vendor evaluation and selection, contract negotiations, systems implementation management, product review and analysis, IT management, project management, HIPAA compliance, Electronic Health Records and Patient Safety. He has worked with a full array of healthcare software applications and technical platforms, often focusing on fully integrated systems and systems that will ultimately lead to the fulfillment of the computerized patient record and computerized provider order entry (CPOE).
- Hospitals and Integrated Delivery Networks
- Facilitated development of a high-level migration plan for a community hospital to move towards a computer-based patient record (CPR). Included readiness assessment, analysis of vision, and high level cost/benefit analysis
- Facilitated development of a comprehensive 5 year information systems strategy, for a regional delivery network including:
- Situational assessment of current IT organization, products, programs, and services
- Management education on current trends and opportunities in healthcare IT with an emphasis on e-health, advanced clinical systems such as the Computer-based Patient Record, and benchmarking against their competition
- Examination of clinical, business and administrative needs relative to the delivery systems overall goals and objectives
- Development of IT vision, goals and objectives
- Targeted strategies for E-health/E-commerce, user oriented applications, technology, IT organization
- Management examination of strategic options
- Comprehensive economic projections and prioritization of efforts
- Assisted regional delivery system in a variety of system selection related efforts including, practice management system selection, ambulatory EMR system selection, acute care CPOE vendor evaluation, contract negotiations
- Assisted community hospital with variety of projects including strategic information systems plan, vendor evaluation and selection for a comprehensive suite of financial, clinical and administrative systems, contract negotiations, pre-implementation planning, implementation assistance, accounts receivable management assistance
- Lead turnaround efforts of the IT subsidiary at a large integrated health delivery network. Included identifying and achieving cost reductions of over $1M per year while improving accountability and performance
- Implementation project management and problem solving assistance in implementing a full range of clinical and financial applications on the Meditech client server product. Provided leadership, methodologies, tools and guidance resulting in successful implementation and use of the system, in an organization that was very short on IT experience and resources
- Assisted in implementing the full range of clinical, financial and administrative applications of the Cerner system. This included leading the testing process for all applications. Test cycles included unit/functional, system, integration, performance/stress and operational readiness testing. Also provided high level implementation advice and vendor management assistance
- Ambulatory and Managed Care Providers
- Developed strategy and facilitated the evaluation and selection of a computer-based patient record (CPR) system for a Consortium of hospital, clinics and local physician offices that permits sharing of appropriate clinical information between hospital, it’s owned clinics/physician offices, and independent physician offices in the community
- Facilitated process to evaluate computer-based patient record (CPR) vendors for this prominent clinic with over 400 MD’s and 15 locations. Included strategy, initial screening of vendors, RFI/RFP, scripted product demonstrations etc.
- Assisted managed care organization with a large multi-specialty capitated clinic, indemnity plan and TPA function in a variety of activities including; high level IT assessment and strategy, evaluation and selection of a comprehensive practice management system and case management system alternatives, contract negotiation, implementation project management and problem solving assistance implementing a new practice management system. Managed the interim CIO we placed at the clinic. Involved extensive process reengineering, HIPAA awareness and education
- Negotiated contract for practice management and Computer-based Patient Record (CPR) system for a small medical specialty practice, securing strong pay for performance principals, significant business/contractual protection, major cost concessions and more
- Other Health Care Organizations
- Helped a Health Care Market Research Firm to identify the market need for a new product. Assisted in the design and development of a new knowledge based product to meet that need
- Helped an international consulting firm survey the market for companies with a targeted presence outside the U.S. in the Computer-based Patient Record (CPR), document imaging and hospital information system (HIS) markets
- Conducted due diligence review of a software company for an investment management firm’s planned investment/acquisition
- Assisted a major healthcare software supplier in developing a pricing strategy for a new product
A sampling of HIPAA engagements:
- Assessed current security efforts against the final HIPAA Security rules. Reported on key program strengths and weaknesses; identification of major gaps; and practical next steps. Identified general classes, sample price range, and sample vendors for technology tools or products to consider acquiring; and a work plan to help orchestrate future efforts
- Conducted HIPAA assessment for four regions of integrated delivery system with wide variety of acute, ambulatory, sub-acute, rehab, and physician practice facilities. Included privacy, security and transactions/code sets
- Conducted HIPAA Assessment, detailed Transactions Data Gap Analysis, and periodic monitoring/remediation support for large integrated delivery system
- Contributing author to an interactive education program aimed at providing in depth HIPAA training to healthcare professionals
- Similar HIPAA assessment and assistance projects have also been conducted on a smaller scale for a conducted for Physician offices, a Physician Office Billing Service, a Provider Health Organization (PHO), and a software supplier.
A sampling of EHR related projects:
- Negotiated contracts for hospitals and physician offices buying EHRs from many of the leading vendors (Allscripts, Cerner, iMedica,.NextGen and others)
- Helped a Quality Improvement Organization (QIO) to develop and deliver their DOQ-IT program
- Developed a strategic plan for a hospital focused on progressing to an EHR. Included assessment, vision, development of organizational guidelines, physician and management education, and ongoing assistance
- Provided strategic advice to several vendors considering entering EHR market
- Assisted a county health department examining their role and needs vis-à-vis interoperability with local hospitals, potential RHIO participation and provided them with education on the overall market for EHRs and healthcare IT
- Implementation planning at several hospitals and physician offices, as well as implementation and testing assistance at a midsized hospital
- Co-author of the monthly column on EHR Corner column in Advance for Health Information Executives
- Co-author of the book entitled “Electronic Health Records: Strategies for Implementation” published by HCPro
Education and Certifications:
- BA, Psychology, Northern Illinois University
- Masters in Management (MBA), Health Management and Finance, Kellogg Graduate School of Management at Northwestern University
- Certified Professional in Health Information Technology (CPHIT)
- Certified Professional in Electronic Health Records (CPEHR).
Professional Affiliations:
- Professional Affiliations
- Fellow in Healthcare Information & Management Systems Society (FHIMSS
- Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA)
- Electronic Health Records: Strategies for Implementation; by Margret Amatayakul and Michael Cohen, Opus Communications
- HIPAA Transactions Made Simple, Achieving the Benefits of EDI; by Margret Amatayakul with Michael Cohen, Opus Communications
- HIPAA Made Simple, A practical Guide to Compliance; by Margret Amatayakul, Opus Communications, contributing author
Published Articles:
- Mike Cohen co-authors a monthly “EHR Corner” column published in ADVANCE for Health Information Executives, in partnership with Margret Amatayakul.
- Mike Cohen co-authored the monthly “HIPAA Corner” column published in ADVANCE for Health Information Executives, in partnership with Margret Amatayakul from 2001 – 2004 before changing the column to “EHR Corner”.
- “Freeware be Aware,” Advance for Health Information Executives
- “Multiple I.T. Paths to Address Medical Errors,” HFMA First Illinois Speaks
- Contingency planning, for HIPAA Transactions – avoiding financial disaster; Healthcare Financial Management
- Clinician and Physician Shortages, How IT Can Help; ADVANCE for Health Information Executives
- A Business Case for HIPAA and E-Commerce; HFMA First Illinois Speaks
- Compliance of Clinical Data Standards, the Next Step in the Evolution Toward the Computer-based Patient Record; Medical Records Institute
- The Elusive Computerized Patient Record; Healthcare Computing & Communications Canada – Electronic Health Record
- Best of Breed Vs. Integrated Systems (contributed to article), IT Selection Strategies
- RFP 101 Understanding the Process (featured interview); For The Record
- Health Information Networks, Prerequisites for Success; HFMA First Illinois Speaks
- “Home care systems; build or buy?” (featured interview); Health Management Technology
- Quick Ways to Recognize Vaporware; Advance for Health Information Executives
- Fixing The Millennium Bug (series of articles); Healthcare Informatics International Conference Speaking Engagements
- State of The Art in Computerized Patient Records; International Conference of HIMSS Latin America, Mexico City, Mexico
- State of The Art in Healthcare Information Systems; COACH Conference, Toronto Canada
- Benefits Realization and re-engineering; Essential Tools for A Successful HISS: HC94, British Journal of Healthcare Conference, Harrogate, England National and Local Conference Speaking Engagements – Recent
- Judge for EMR and Practice Management Systems competition at TEPR 2003. 2004 and 2005 conferences
- Numerous speaking engagements at conferences hosted by HFMA, HIMSS, TEPR, Microsoft, NMHC, AHIMA, Lorman, Faulkner and Grey, NAHC, etc
- Topics have included EHR, contract negotiations, HIPAA, overviews of the health information system marketplace; computerized physician order entry (CPOE), hybrid medical records, Y2K, client server systems, benefits realization, integrated health delivery systems, vendor evaluation and selection, strategic systems planning, etc.
A partial list of presentations in the last few years includes:
- Construction Zone: Building an EHR from an HIS, HIMSS Dallas TX
- Management Of Medical Records In Illinois, full day seminars produced by Lorman Education; conducted at multiple cities in Illinois
- Managing Hybrid Records, Audio-conference with HcPro
- Information Technology: Enabling the National Agenda; HFMA First Chicago Chapter, Downers Grove IL
- Designing the EHR for PHR (Personal Health Record), TEPR 2004, Fort Lauderdale Florida
- What’s New in IT?, HFMA First Illinois Chapter, Oak Brook IL
- Selecting the Right CPOE System: Where do I Start? Association of Medical Directors of Information Systems (AMDIS) The 12th Annual Physician-Computer Connection Symposium; San Diego, CA
- Negotiating Successful IT Contracts, HIMSS, San Diego, CA, HIMSS Dairyland, WI, TEPR Salt Lake City, and more
- Key Considerations In Purchasing From A CPOE Vendor; The Summit on Patient Safety & Information Technology; San Diego/Del Mar, CA
- HIPAA Roundtable, 2003 HIMSS Summer Conference Program, Chicago IL
- Compliance with HIPAA Privacy and Security; Chicago Health Executives Forum; Chicago, IL
- HIPAA – Overview, Status and Opportunities, National Association of Health Care Consultants, Traverse City, MI
- HIPAA Tools – Your Best Bet to Managing HIPAA; Toward an Electronic Patient Record 2001, Boston, MA
- How to Choose a Computer-based Patient Record System; Toward an Electronic Patient Record 2001, Boston, MA
- Legalities of Utilizing & Maintaining Computerized Medical Records in Illinois; several sessions for Lorman Education Services
- Special Workshop: Compliance Issues & the Impact of HIPAA Security & Privacy Regulations; NMHCC Basics of Managed Care Conference, Chicago, IL
- Selling to the Top: Executive Management Perspectives on Return on Investment (ROI); eHealth and Electronic Health Records Conference, Chicago, IL
- How Does HIPAA Impact eHealth?; eHealth and Electronic Health Records Conference, Chicago, IL
- Conducting A Successful CPR Pilot; Toward An Electronic Patient Record 2000, San Francisco, CA
- Making Sound CPR Decisions In A Confused Market; Toward An Electronic Patient Record 2000, San Francisco, CA
- Numerous local HFMA conferences in the Chicago area
6049 Traditions Drive, Colorado Springs CO 80924
Telephone (719) 799-6433 Office or (630) 248-5703 Cellular
email: MikeCohen@CavanaughConsulting.org