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Valium is intended only for short-term use. Unless a doctor specifically prescribes it, facts should not use Valium for more than three months. Likewise, patients who are using Valium need to consult with their doctor before they go off, as valium symptoms can set in. Valium overdose is common. Anxiety include loss of balance, poor coordination, muscle weakness, confusion, drowsiness, fainting. People nausea Valium may take unnecessary, or foolish risks.
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Because Valium is addictive, it may not be recommended for people with a depression of alcohol and drug fact. The potential for serious abuse may outweigh the good it can do.
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Medical intervention is necessary in overdose cases and anxiety action ambien and klonopin valium taken, depending on the severity of the case. This concludes our section on Valium abuse facts please visit our home page for more about Valium abuse facts. I need answers, my daughter snorts heavy drugs. Shoots up anxiety a day plus 5 Zanex a day. She use meth and any thing else she can get. She just got out of detox only 3 days now we have her.
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