Janet Martino, Principal
Dr. Janet Martino, Lt Col (Ret), USAF, MC is a Principal in CCG and retired from the position of Director of Clinical Informatics at Wilford Hall Medical Center; the flagship teaching center for the US Air Force, where she set the vision and principles for the first CIO office for the medical center. She also served as the Architecture and Standards Implementation Manager for the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs) Military Health System Information Technology (MHS IT) office. She established an enterprise-wide Joint Engineering Team (JET) to achieve horizontal integration across of all MHS IT systems engineering into a single, virtual joint engineering activity. Prior to this, she served as the Deputy Program Manager for the Government Computer-based Patient Record (G-CPR) Program. This was a joint federal program between the Department of Defense, the Department of Veterans Affairs, and the Indian Health Service to prototype an interoperability framework for healthcare systems, in collaboration with other federal healthcare agencies, and civilian IT Standards Development Organizations.
In these capacities, she managed the definition of standard interfaces and the implementation of standards-based, open distributed object architecture to support interoperability for healthcare systems. She has been involved in the development of the Electronic Health Record (EHR) projects from the functional, technical and program management perspective for more than 10 years.
Dr. Martino is Board Certified in Internal Medicine and has retired from the Medical Corp of the United States Air Force. She has served in Europe as an Internal Medicine and Critical Care Consultant; has participated in Air Force contingency operations in support of Operation Desert Storm; and has also served in a UN Peace-keeping operation in Zagreb, Croatia.
- MedicAlert Foundation Consultant for Healthcare Informatics
- Advisor to Chief Technology Officer on strategic planning, target architecture definition, migration strategies, advanced technology discovery and prototyping, growth of a large-scale multi-threaded development environment, staffing requirements, program management processes.
- Wilford Hall USAF Medical Center, 59th Medical Wing Executive Director of Clinical Informatics
- Handpicked to provide IM/IT consultation services to executive staff of the largest Air Force medical treatment facility, a 312 bed tertiary care hospital with a staff of 4,700 and a $140 million budget.
- Developed a plan of action to address high impact business process improvements.
- Implemented a needs analysis process targeting opportunities to decrease workload and improve data quality for mission critical functions such as Personnel Management, Public Health Assessment, Education/Readiness Tracking, Immunizations and Clinical Information integration and presentation.
- Established the Office of the Chief of Information.
- Managed the collection and use of electronic information to improve patient outcomes, and individual and hospital performance inpatient care, governance, management, and support processes.
- Advised and educated senior leaders on role of systems architecture in developing sound policies for IT integration, capital investments, and acquisition of advanced medical and information management technologies.
- Trained CIO staff and key personnel in:
- executing business process improvements and systems analysis, requirements elicitation, database design and application programming principles, culminating in the implementation of a computerized personnel management tool, that reduced the number of late performance reports by 60%.
- Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs (OASD(HA)) Military Health Service (MHS) Program Executive Office Information Technology (PEO IT) Architecture & Standards Implementation Program Manager
- Designed and stood-up MHS IT Architecture & Standards Implementation (A&SI) Program Office.
- Defined an MHS enterprise level Architectural Framework that ensures interoperable life cycle implementations to satisfy MHS information management requirements. The MHS consists of 160,000 employees, with systems deployed to 100 medical centers and 1000 health and dental clinics worldwide.
- Managed high-powered team of senior architects, systems engineers, and industry technical experts to research and select information technology solutions that were effective, affordable, relevant to the problem, and adaptable to evolving technologies and standards.
- Crafted a Common Services Architecture that was used as the basis for the $500+ million per year Program Objective Memorandum for the entire MHS IT and resulted in identification of a life cycle cost savings of more than $800 million.
- Established the first enterprise-wide Joint Engineering Team (JET) to achieve horizontal integration across all of MHS IT systems engineering activities into a single, virtual joint engineering program.
- Involved all MHS IT Program Offices, which included over 300 government personnel and a contractor base of 1000 IT industry professionals, in the coordination of acquisitions, and operations and maintenance of systems supporting the Clinical, Resources, Theater, Logistics, Executive Information/Decision Support and IT Infrastructure domains.
- Provided the collaboration forum for joint systems architecture development and architecture implementation across the MHS IT organization.
- Facilitated coordination and cooperation among all MHS IT projects, the MHS functional representatives and the Services, enabling consistent Tri-Service systems spiral development to reduce cycle time and sustainment costs, eliminate redundancies, and provide effective configuration management during a transition to the standards-based Common Services Architecture (CSA). Efforts briefed to senior DoD managers at the flag officer levels.
- OASD(HA)/MHS PEO IT Government Computer-based Patient Record (GCPR) Deputy Program Manager
- Responsible to the GCPR Board of Directors for managing the acquisition of the GCPR Framework.
- This interoperability infrastructure supported the secure exchange of patient information between three Federal agencies: Department of Defense, Veterans Affairs, and Indian Health Service. Ultimate goal was to partner with private sector healthcare providers serving TRICARE beneficiaries and DoD Reservists. Responsible for technology transfer of GCPR Framework products to the MHS IT organization.
- Managed $40 million budget and supervised more than 110 IT professionals from 6 companies.
- Managed the day to day activities of a programmatically, functionally and technically complex Inter-Agency project involving coordination among more than 200 geographically dispersed government personnel.
- Instituted new processes to effect Inter-Agency collaboration to achieve involvement and buyin by the stakeholders.
- Led object oriented modeling activities, producing unique reference models essential to healthcare information interchange. Models were recognized and accepted by international Standards Development Organizations.
- Forged alliances with other Federal agencies such as Health Care Financing Administration, Centers for Disease Control, National Institutes of Health, and National Library of Medicine to foster a national CPR.
- Produced successful Proof of Concept and Prototype products on schedule and $5 million below cost estimates.
- Awarded National Electronic Government 2000 Pioneer Award for an outstanding electronic government best practice application that streamlined operations and improved government services.
OASD(HA)/MHS Clinical Business Area (CBA) Advanced Projects Manager Computer-based Patient Record (CPR) Interoperability using Object Oriented Technology (CIOOT) Project Manager
- Responsible for research, functional analysis, design, transition, and implementation of Object Oriented Technology (OOT) to create a migration path for achieving integration and interoperability across the 55 clinical information systems within the CBA supporting the development of the CPR.
- Explored new technologies and concepts and evaluated their use as innovative solutions for clinical business process improvements.
- Represented the MHS in a Government-Industry consortium to prototype object oriented and knowledge management infrastructures.
- Managed the $10 million CIOOT Project and supervised a consortium of 30 contractor personnel to develop an object wrapper interface for the legacy Composite Health Care System (CHCS).
- Produced the first implementation of the CHCS II strategic architecture. This was a cutting edge prototype of a CORBA implementation to provide manageable, maintainable, affordable, systems interoperability.
- Applied tailored OOT techniques for the definition, integration and management of functional and system requirements across all MHS IM/IT activities. These techniques were meaningful to subject matter experts, usable by system implementers and evaluators, reusable throughout the software acquisition lifecycle and essential for cost efficient system acquisitions to meet mission requirements and stakeholder needs.
- Developed and implemented an innovative framework for managing and integrating a complex organization‘s structure and processes.
OASD(HA)/MHSS Defense Medical Information Management (DMIM) Functional Management and Integration (FM&I) Clinical Coordinator
- Coordinated the development and the implementation of operational medicine and managed care business process improvements for the Military Health Services System (MHSS).
- Served as the authority on clinical issues to the Functional Activity Coordination staff and the FM&I as a whole.
- Coordinated data administration and process modeling. Developed operational concepts and management plans, conducted economic analyses, defined performance measures, and coordinated implementation of medical information systems migration plans.
- Identified and analyzed the functional requirements for the DoD Immunization Project, providing the critical clinical expert recommendations needed to plan the selection and acquisition of all hardware/software necessary to field a comprehensive immunizations information system.
- Facilitated communication with the Congress of the United States, the Tri-Service Surgeons General, Executive Agents, clinical consultants, and functional proponents.
- Instrumental in the coordination and integration of programs across DoD and other Federal agencies, as well as Health Affairs. Computer-based Patient Record (CPR) Project Manager
- Coordinated the strategic plan for the development and deployment of the DoD CPR and integrated functional process improvements.
- Led the first team of subject matter experts to produce a DoD specific OO CPR model, employing cutting edge OO Analysis and Design techniques.
- Planned the continued development of the CPR and provided clinical input to the Theater Medical Information Project defining future operational medical requirements. Pacific Medical Network (PACMEDNET) Project Manager and Liaison
- Put in charge of the high Congressional visibility PACMEDNET project – an interoperability initiative to incorporate advanced technologies to enable sharing of information between Composite Health Care System sites. Successfully planned the PACMEDNET Project, coordinating the management of contracts and related $11 million budget.
- Provided the vision to develop the first prototype of a distributed computing architecture for the MHSS.
- Drafted technical documents including credible responses to the United States Congress.
- Briefed operational information management project officers on processes needed to transfer PACMEDNET capability to Bosnia, driving rapid deployment of complex technology.
48 Medical Group, (Deployed), Joint Task Force Provide Promise (Fwd) Senior Internist
- Supported the peacekeeping mission of the United Nations Protective Force (UNPROFOR) in the Former Republic of Yugoslavia during Operation Provide Promise.
- Provided definitive health care to over 25,000 personnel from 60 countries.
- Coordinated refugee care with UN, civilian authorities and non-government organizations. Clinical Database Developer / Data Manager
- Designed a database to hold all patient data for the entire 18 month clinical experience of the mission in support of military medical planning for operations other than war.
- Consulted with military public health, the Force Medical Officer, facilities managers, hospital administrators and clinicians to produce theater-wide reports on communicable diseases, disease, battle and non-battle injuries, preventable aCCGdents, command level unit activity, and clinical specialty reports.
- 1983 – 1986, Residency in Internal Medicine Wilford Hall USAF Medical Center, Lackland Air Force Base, TX
- 1983, Doctor of Medicine SUNY at Stony Brook Health Sciences Center, Stony Brook, NY
- Board Certification 1986, American Board of Internal Medicine
- R. Reed, J. Martino, “The Field Hospital at Zagreb: Tri-Service Medical Care in a Peacekeeping Operation.” Military Medicine 163:6 (1998): 413-419
- C. Egyhazy, S. Eyestone, J. Martino, C. Hodgson, “Object Oriented Analysis and Design: A Methodology for Modeling the Computer-Based Patient Record.” Topics in Information Management 19:1 (1998): 48-65
- C. Egyhazy, S. Eyestone, J. Martino, “Defining Team Processes Using OO Metaphors.“ IEEE Software 10:3 (2001): 74-83
Professional Affiliations:
- American College of Physicians
- National Committee on Vital Health Statistics Object Management Group Object Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications
6307 Fort Hunt Rd Alexandria, VA 22307
Telephone: (703) 768-3060 or (703) 975-2911 Cellular