Fred R. Mills FACHE, Principal
Mr. Fred Mills is a Principal in CCG and has 30-Years of experience as a health care executive, with proven leadership and results in various health care settings. Prior to joining The CCG Group he was the President & Chief Executive Officer Baptist Health System in San Antonio, Texas. Prior to Baptist he was the President & Regional Senior Executive Officer of BJC Health System in St. Louis, Missouri. Prior to BJC he held various positions with The Missouri Baptist Healthcare System in St. Louis, Missouri, including Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer for three years and then President & Chief Executive Officer for the five years prior to the merger with BJC. Prior to Missouri Baptist he was Administrator & Chief Executive Officer of Baptist Regional Health Center in Miami, Oklahoma for seven years. Earlier in his career he was a public accountant and served as a hospital controller.
- Was CEO of three health care systems, including Baptist in San Antonio with annual revenues in excess of $1 billion.
- Increased net revenue in each of the systems.
- Initiated successful clinical service line development that now includes Centers of Excellence in the areas of Cardiology, Oncology, Orthopedics and Occupational Medicine with a documented reputation for quality.
- Developed a network of affiliated hospitals, physicians and clinics in 14 hospitals.
- Led a Board and a Medical Staff of fiercely independent physicians through a two year process going from an independent hospital to a collaborative network to a fully merged System very successfully.
- Developed an integrated delivery system from a 5 hospital group.
- Responsible for developing a system-wide fully integrated Women’s and Children’s program. (Births increased from 600 to 3500 per year.)
- Responsible for recruitment of medical staff that changed the average age from 59 to 39 in one system.
- Oversaw the implementation of modern information technology throught out the health system.
Education and Professional Affiliations:
- Bachelor in Health Administration, 1980 Ottawa University, Ottawa, Kansas
- Bachelor in Hospital Administration, 1976 Oklahoma Baptist University, Shawnee, Oklahoma
- Board Certified in Healthcare Management and a Fellow in the American College of Healthcare Executives
- On boards of several healthcare related organizations.
711 Lost Canyon, San Antonio, Texas 78258
Telephone 210 479 6502 Office or 210-241-3626 Cellular
email: FredMills@CavanaughConsulting.org