David Hellerstein, Principal
Dave Hellerstein is a principal in CCG. Prior to joining CCG Dr. Hellerstein was Chief Medical Officer for Medical and Public Health Programs, Division of Correctional Health Care Services, of the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR). His responsibilities at CDCR included clinical guideline development, clinical quality monitoring programs, court mandated statewide healthcare policy and procedure development, physician training, pharmaceutical formulary management, and HIPAA compliance. Dr. Hellerstein led the Health Care
Services team that developed, piloted, and implemented the computer-based Inmate Patient Scheduling, Tracking, and Quality Monitoring System now being rolled out throughout the California Prison system. Dr. Hellerstein continues to serve as a consultant to CDCR, in the capacity of retired annuitant. Dr. Hellerstein has been a consultant and examiner for the Medical Board of the State of California. He has over 20 years experience in clinical practice: in private practice, in emergency medicine, and in managed care ambulatory medicine. He has 7 years experience in electronic medical record development, implementation, and support. Dr. Hellerstein is board certified in internal medicine and emergency medicine.
- PricewaterhouseCoopers Healthcare Consulting Practice
- Health Information Systems Strategic Planning for hospitals and integrated delivery systems
- Clinical information system needs assessment and vendor selection for an integrated healthcare delivery system involved in merging an academic medical center and a community hospital
- A competence and cost effectiveness analysis of optometric practice in California
- Healthcare regulatory issues relevant to physician coding, documentation, and Medicare Compliance
- HIPAA privacy and security compliance
- Foundation Health Medical Group During his 4 years with a large staff model HMO, Dr. Hellerstein was chairman of the Health Information Committee and project manager for
- A task force setting requirements for an enterprise-wide computer-based patient record
- A structured-text chart note generator
- A workers compensation patient tracking and reporting system
- A remote access package giving physicians access to patient charts from home and hospital
- Aconcurrent review tracking system for hospitalized patients
- Emergency Physicians’ Medical Group Drawing on his clinical experience in hospital based medicine and ambulatory care, Dr. Hellerstein
- Created, implemented, and supported a DBMS for hospital based clinical quality improvement and provider profiling.
- Developed and supported a chart note generator, prescription writer, and patient discharge instruction package for urgent care clinics.
- Other Experience Dr. Hellerstein has been active in clinical Quality Management
- He was the chairperson of a hospital based Emergency Medicine Quality Assurance Committee
- He was a member of the TQM task force of a multi-hospital organization
- He introduced a Quality Management program in Emergency Medicine at a university teaching hospital
- He is experienced in JCAHO standards and requirements, and in preparing for JCAHO reviews.
- He has provided service as a certified Medical Review Officer for work-place drug testing
- AB Harvard University — Physics
- AM Harvard University — Applied Physics
- PhD Stanford University — Applied Physics
- MD University of California, San Diego
- Residency University of California, San Francisco
- Diplomate — American Board of Internal Medicine
- Diplomate — American Board of Emergency Medicine
Clinical Experience:
- Director, Diablo Valley Diabetes Program Internal Medicine
- Private Practice Internal Medicine
- Director, Dept of Emergency Medicine, Mt. Diablo Hospital
- Assistant Director, Dept of Emergency Medicine, Mt Zion Hospital
- Asst Clinical Prof, University of California, San Francisco Internal Medicine
- Clinical Instructor, University of California, San Francisco Internal Medicine
- Senior Scientist, Biomedical Project (NSF) School Curriculum
- Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Washington, Seattle
Professional Affiliations:
- National Commission on Correctional Health Care, Clinical Guidelines Subcommittee of the Policy and Standards Committee
- National Disaster Medical Systems, Disaster Medical Assistance Team – Sacramento Chapter (CA-11), Chief Medical OfficerPUBLICATIONS
- Orr D, Hellerstein D, HIPAA in State Correctional Systems, Journal of Correctional Health Care 9: 345–2002
- Orr D, Hellerstein D, Controversy, confusion herald HIPAA, CorrectCare, Fall 2002
- Hellerstein D, DRG Coding and Documentation, Journal of Health Care Compliance, November/December 2000
- Hellerstein D, First of Final HIPAA rules Released, HIPAA watch, Health Management Technology–Oct 2000
- Hellerstein D, HIPAA and Health Privacy Rules: Almost There, Health Management Technology–April 2000
- Hellerstein D, Evaluation & Management Coding: managing the risk of computer-based support; TEPR conference–May 1999
- Hellerstein D, The impact of HIPAA in the new Millennium; Health Management Technology – April 1999
- Hellerstein D, A New Object of Component-Object Computing; Healthcare Informatics–February 1997
- Hellerstein D, Clinical Information in a Managed Care Environment; in-house publication, Foundation Health Medical Group–1995
- Hellerstein D, Requirements for a Computer-Based Patient Record; prepared for the Foundation Health Medical Group CPR task force–1995
- Simon RH, Fye KH, Hellerstein D, Moutsopoupolos H, Treatment Failure with Nitroglycerin, JAMA 223: 320 1975
- Hellerstein D, Bickford RG, Electrical activity of the brain. In Scientific Foundations of Neurology, O’Leary J, Jennett B, and Critchley M, eds. William Heinemann Medical Books Ltd, London pp 327-341, 1972
- Starr A, Hellerstein D, Distribution of frequency following responses in cat cochlear nucleus to sinuosoidal acoustic signals, Brain Research 33: 367-377 1971
- Hellerstein D, Cable theory and gross potential analysis, Science 166: 638-639 1969
- Hellerstein D, Some properties of the Direct Cortical Response, Exptl Neurol 25: 431-471, 1969
- Calvin WH, Hellerstein D, Dendritic spikes versus cable properties, Science 163: 96-97, 1968
- Hellerstein D, Passive membrane potentials — a generalization of the theory of electrotonus, Biophys J. 8: 358-379, 1968
- Hellerstein D, A physical theory for predicting macro-potentials from synaptic events in the cerebral cortex, with applications to the direct cortical respons (abstract), Proc Int Union Physiol Sci 7: 559, 1968
- Hellerstein D, Application of the Senarmont Polariscope to analysis of optical maser light, Appl Optics 2: 801-805, 1963
1417 Tanglewood Drive, Placerville, CA 95667
Telephone 916-803-4378 Cellular