Darice Grzybowski, MA, RHIA, FAHIMA
Darice Grzybowski, MA, RHIA, FAHIMA, AHIMA Academy Certified ICD10-CM/PCS Trainer, is an affiliate of The CCG Group and President of H.I.Mentors,LLC an independently owned health information management and revenue cycle best practices and analytics strategic consulting firm. Prior to founding H.I.Mentors in 2005, she was the National Manager of Industry Relations (Marketing) for 3M Health Information Systems. Darice’s experience as a regional HIM Director, Vendor Executive and independent consultant, speaker, and educator allows her to provide a wide perspective to her clients.
- President: HIMentors,LLC (www.HIMentors.com) (2005 – Present) An independently owned health information management, revenue cycle, education & strategic/product marketing firm targeted in the healthcare technology/software industry. Clients include health care facilities, software & consulting vendors, physician owned practices, hospitals, publishing firms, government agencies, & schools.. Darice’s specialty is directing and managing consulting projects and helping facilities with organizational best practice assessments and change management. She also provides industry expertise for corporations in strategic positioning as software companies develop, implement or sell products related to electronic health record implementation and operational workflow improvement initiatives. Specific expertise is in EHR planning/product marketing for EHR/EDMS/Business Intelligence/Content Management/ and Computer Assisted Coding systems, CDI process improvement and education, electronic health record /electronic document management transition from paper and hybrid environments, clinical documentation improvement and revenue cycle metrics (holds patent pending since June 2010 on HIMetrix™ data analytics product), HIM workflow assessment, operations analysis & best practice benchmarking & productivity improvement, interim staffing, and coding/CDI and chargemaster audits. Co-Founder: BICICA (Best in Class Independent Consulting Alliance). Affiliate of the Cavanaugh Consulting Group.
- Sample Key Client Engagements (Current and Past):
- Software development, workflow requirements & design, and product/industry marketing consultation for major healthcare software vendors including:
- 3M HIS, CodeRyte, Streamline, Systemware, Craneware, McKesson,
- Provided CAC, ICD-10, and CDI evaluation, process improvement, and educational training to multiple organizations over past 10 years
- Provided Project Management for key EHR and revenue cycle programs
- Provided strategic marketing and business development services
- Completed EHR optimization assessments
- Provided process mapping, productivity reviews, and other staff workflow development
- Developed patent pending data analytics and dashboard system for health information (HIMetrix®)
- Provided ICD-10 Preparation and Training as well as guidance in soft, hard, and computer assisted coding technologies
- Provided coding, chargemaster, and clinical documentation / data integrity audits & reviews
- Placed and mentored full time interim HIM Directors and Coding Managers as well as other staff
- Provided strategic marketing/positioning/product development consultation & research to leading edge healthcare software development companies
- Sole Source provider selected for EMR Project Management for State of Illinois Dept. of Human Services (Behavioral Health EMR)CONFIDENTIAL 2
- Physician Education CME – Clinical Documentation Improvement speaker/consultant
- Served as sole source Project Manager for State of Illinois Behavioral Health EHR initiative (2010-2011)
- Developed and conducted forms management inventory and EDMS pre-implementation projects for multiple facilities
- Provided pre-implementation and implementation guidance on paper through hybrid through electronic medical record system development and integration across all clinical disciplines
- Served as Vice President of Marketing for # 1 KLAS ranked revenue cycle software vendor in United Kingdom and US (3 years)
- Serves as Corporate HIM/Revenue Cycle Consulting Coordinator for 40+ hospital system (mix acute care, long term, CAH, Hospice, LTACH, etc.) Midwest/east
- Serves as Regional HIM Consulting Coordinator for 8 hospital system –multi-state, Midwest
- Serves as Corporate HIM Consultant for 170+ hospital system (EDMS preparation and regional record consolidation) – multi-state, Midwest
- Serves as National Consultant for program and faculty development for largest HIM online academic/training program in US
- Multiple other acute care hospital HIM consultations throughout US
- Contracted speaker and author for multiple national publications and national industry trade associations
- Continues to serve as Adjunct Assistant Professor for University of Illinois and Northwestern University
- Contracted as permanent industry expert/guest author for HCPro Electronic Health Records Briefing publication
- National Manager Industry Relations (Marketing)- 3M Health Information Systems, (2000-present)
- In this position she was responsible for representing 3M HIS to various professional associations, internal and external customers, government and other entities via marketing to assist in business/product development, strategic planning, trade show coordination, and customer relations initiatives.
- Provided public speaking, internal industry website & communications trending, byline articles, product development & launch activities, and other contributions to assist in public relations and educational initiatives.
- Provides input and leadership for product, consulting, and support service strategy, alliances, competitive intelligence reviews, and business development activities, partnerships & acquisitions.
- Co-authored division strategic planning documentation and templates
- Coordinated 3M HIS ideation process and coordinated education plan for 20+ marketers and black belts around new product introduction and launches
- Responsible for Market Research activity coordination (2003-2004)
- Responsible for a variety of Voice of Customer and Acceleration growth initiatives for division using Six Sigma principles
- Developed the chargemaster software product line campaign, natural language processing technology commercialization plan, psychiatric grouper and reimbursement product commercialization, professional services research, and document management/imaging product line & strategic planning
- Performed simultaneous role of Product Line Marketing Manager over the Coding and Reimbursement product lines responsible for approximately $200 million dollars in annual revenue and nine direct reports (product marketing managers) from 2002-2003
- Served on external volunteer committees and workgroups including AHIMA, HFMA, ASTM, HIMSS, NAHI, and special governmental/legislative appointments
- Participated as both a mentor for sales in divisional formal mentoring program and mentee under the Vice President of Construction & Home Improvement division as part of executive diversity corporate mentoring program in St. Paul, MN
- 1980 – 1999 Various Health Information Management Administrative Positions in Hospitals
- M.A., Cum Laude, Clinical Data Management, DePaul University-School of New Learning, 1998
- B.S., Cum Laude, Medical Record Administration, University of Illinois-CAHP, 1983
- RHIA. Certification May 1984 Registration #0387100
- FAHIMA Fellowship Status Granted September 2002 (8th Fellow Appointed for AHIMA)
- Six Sigma Green Belt Certification June 2003
- DFSS (Design for Six Sigma) Marketing Green Belt Certification 2004
Professional Affiliations:
- Association Membership in: AHIMA, ILHIMA, CAHIMA, 1982- Present
- Member HFMA and ASTM E31.22 taskforce on Electronic Record Formats (since mid 1990s)
- Adjunct Assistant Professor, University of Illinois School of Biomedical & Health Information Sciences, 1992-Present
- Member HL-7 2003 – Present (Participated in HL 7 Functional EHR standards development)
- Editorial Advisory Board Member: Medical Record Briefings, HC PRO, 2000-Present
- 2010 Received National “Top Ten in 2010 – HIM Professional of the Year” Award – Advance Magazine
- 2010 Appointed and Served on AHIMA: Managing Transition from Hybrid to Electronic Records Task Force
- 2009 Appointed and serves on HIMSS EHR Adoption Task Force
- 2009 Appointed, Served and spoke at Computer Assisted Coding (AHIMA) Summit Program Planning
- 2009 Appointed and Serviced on AHIMA Electronic Authentication eHIM Taskforce
- 2004-Current: Bi-Monthly Guest Author: Electronic Health Records Briefing (HCPro); Editorial Board Member
- 2005 Appointed to Electronic Health Records Briefing Editorial Advisory Committee (HCPro)
- 2005 Appointed Member of AHIMA Fellowship Review Committee
- 2004 Elected Member: Manchester International Who’s Who Registry of Executives & Professionals
- 2004 AHIMA/IFHRO National Convention: ICD-10 Tract Presider
- 2004 Member & Sub Chair, AHIMA eHIM Initiatives workgroup on Computer Assisted Coding (NLP) Tools
- 2004 Ex-Officio Member/Review AHIMA eHIM Initiatives workgroup on Electronic Health Records Management
- 2003 Member & Sub Chair, AHIMA eHIM Initiatives workgroup on Document Imaging as a part of the EHR
- 2003 Member: FORE Scholarship Review Committee
- 2002-2003, Member National Alliance of Health Information Technology
- Third place national AHIMA “Best Practices Award” 1999, for “Managing Incomplete Record Processes”.
- “HIM Practitioner of the Year” Award, 1998- ADVANCE for Health Information Professionals Magazine
- 1st Place “PATHFINDER”-Innovations in Clinical Decision Support System Usage” National Award Winner: HBOC 1998
- AHIMA Item Writing Panel Appt.: R.R.A. National Certification Examination, 1997
- Judge/Panel Member for Advance for Health Information Professionals “Re-engineering-A Quest for Quality” Essay Contest,(1/6/97 Issue)
- Member, AHIMA Membership Taskforce, 1996
- Member, JCAHO Taskforce on I.M. Standards for Authorship, 1996
- Alternate Rep. for AHIMA-JCAHO Hospital PTAC, 1993-1994
- President, Illinois Health Information Management Association (Term 1999-2000) (Host National AHIMA Convention
- Chicago, 2000)
- Faculty Advisory Board Member: Moraine Valley Community College, 1993-1999
- Illinois Ambassador to Education State Finalist 1998
- HIMSS/ILHIMA Joint Seminar Task Force: Central Data Repositories, 1995
- ILHIMA Professional Achievement Award, 1994
- ILHIMA/AHIMA State Delegate, 1992-1994, 1998-1999
- ILHIMA State Liaison to IL Department of Public Health, 1993-94
- CAHIMA Distinguished Member Award Recipient
- Sponsor CPT coding seminar, 1993
- ILHIMA/Illinois Hospital Association: IDPA Videotape Volunteer, 1992
- IMRA Project Manager, Editor of State Newsletter: “Newsbreak”, 1991-1993
- Member of IMRA Literary & Professional Award Committee, 1990
- Member IMRA Education Committee, 1984
- Student Award: Medical Record Week Marketing Contest, 1982
- AHIMA 2012 National Conference (October Chicago, IL) “Best Practices in Clinical Documentation Improvement”
- PHIMA 2012 Annual Meeting (May 2012 State College, PA) 3 presentations: Clinical Documentation Improvement”
- OHIMA 2012 Annual Meeting (March 2012 Columbus, OH) “Clinical Documentation Improvement: Improving Care, Improving Productivity”
- PHIMA 2011 Annual Meeting (May 2011 – Hershey PA) “HIM Role in Revenue Cycle”
- HIMSS 2011 National Conference (March 2011 – Orlando): “Virtual HIM Department” CONFIDENTIAL 5
- HIMSS Regional Technology Conference (Oct 2010-Minneapolis,MN) “How Do I get my Medical Record?”
- ACDIS National Conference Clinical Documentation Improvement Process Mapping, June 2010 Chicago
- AHIMA Computer Assisted Coding National Symposium, April 2010 Washington DC
- AHIMA National Conference, “Correctional Center Records and Transition to Electronic Health Records”,
- October 2009, Dallas TX
- AHIMA National Conference, “HIM Role in Chargemaster Process Mapping”, October 2009, Dallas, TX
- KHIMA, Wichita KS, September 2009 HIM Productivity Tracking Methodologies
- KHIMA, Wichita, KS, September 2009 HIM Networking, Mentoring & Leadership for HIM
- Legal Health Record, Catholic Healthcare Partners Risk Management Forum, June 2009 Webinar (40 hospitals)
- Colorado HIM Annual Meeting, “Emergency Department Management & Coding”, May 2009
- Colorado HIM Annual Meeting, “HIM Role in Chargemaster Management” , May 2009
- TEPR:” Navigating the Waters of Hybrid Medical Record Management,” Palm Springs , February 2009
- AHIMA Revenue Cycle Management Conference, Las Vegas, NV, “ Don’t Take a Gamble on Your Revenue Cycle Data Quality”, November 2008
- AHIMA Webinar: “Emergency Department Coding and Management “ November 2008
- Moving Along the eHIM Continuum” – TEPR, Medical Records Institute National Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, FL May 2008
- MS-DRGs – United Health Partnerships , Bowling Green, Ohio, February 2008
- AHIMA National Convention , “In Search of eHIM: A Case Study of Transformation to a Centralized HIM Record Archival an EDMS Processing Center in a Multi-Hospital Network, Philadelphia, PA, October 2007
- AHIMA National Convention, “Where HIM and Chargemaster Coding Intersect”, Denver, CO October 2006
- AHIMA National Convention, “Where HIM and Chargemaster Coding Intersect”, Denver, CO October 2006
- National Conference on Health Information Capture, “Examining Data Integrity Through Medical Transcription and Data Sources”, Las Vegas, NV, Sept 18, 2006
- AHIMA National Assembly on Education: “E-HIM’s role in Revenue Cycle Management: Incorporating Content, Tools, and Application in Curricula”, Chicago, IL June 2004
- 3M Customer Meetings & National Account Presentations: : 2000-2004; Variety of Topics related to HIM & RCM
- Host, Hon. Governor Michael Leavitt & team: Utah State Government Health Ecosystem Summit, Chicago May 2003
- AHIMA National Convention “Data Quality” (St. Paul , MN) Oct 2003
- Natl. Conference of State Legislators (NCSL): “Impact of Information Technology on Healthcare Quality” (Denver, CO) July 2002
- HFMA ANI: “Ensuring Clean Claims” (Seattle, WA) June 2002
- AHIMA National Convention “Has Natural Language Processing Finally Arrived? HIM Challenges and Opportunities” (Miami, FL) 2001
- TEPR (Toward an Electronic Patient Record) Conference “Data Integrity and Compliance” (Boston, MA) 2001
- HBSI Conference: “APR-DRGs”, Las Vegas, March 2000
- NAHQ (National Association for Healthcare Quality) Annual Conference “Data Integrity and Compliance” (San Antonio, TX) 2000
- AHIMA National Convention “HIM and Clinical Decision Support and Pathways Variances” (Anaheim,CA) 1999
- Healthcare Informatics Exposition: McCormick Center-Chicago, April 1999 “Building the Information Dream Team”
- HBOC Trendstar Regional User’s Group (Chicago)/National User’s Group (San Diego), “Clinical Data Management and Decision Support”, 1998
- 2014 Book Strategies for Electronic Document and Health Record Management
- Multiple Publication Contribution Monthly: Advance Magazine, For the Record, etc.
- “Storage Solutions – A Plan for Paper in the Transition to Electronic Document Management”, JAHIMA, May 2008, p 44-47
- “CMS proposes switch to MS-DRGs in 2008”, Medical Records Briefings, June 2007, Vol 22, No 6, P 1-2
- “EHR Selection Suggestions” Contributor, Edited by L. Jusinski, Advance for Health Information Professionals, May 7, 2007 P. 19-22
- Editorial Thought Leaders: “Why Are We Worried About Denials Management?”, Health Technology Management March 2006
- ‘PPS Brings Change to Inpatient Psychiatric Facilities’ JAHIMA, May 2004-75/5, p 64-65
- ‘Oldies But Goodies’: Stay on Track by Reconsidering Basic Filing Techniques: Interview article in Medical Records Briefings, Vol.19 No 4 April 2004, p 1-3
- Cover Interview Article: “Severity Adjustment Tools Enhance Documentation”, Hospital Payment & Information Management May 2003 Vo. 21 No. 5 p. 49-50
- Editorial Thought Leaders: “Righting the Write Offs”, Health Technology Management February 2002
- “How to Successfully Interview for an HIM Position”, CAHIMA, Winter 2001
- “Simplified Deficiency Processing Brings Hospital-wide Benefits”; JAHIMA, March 2000
- ”Building the IT Dream Team” Managed Care News 1999; AHIMA Marketing Kit
- ”Building a Cost Efficient Path Variance Database” Beyond Clinical Paths: Advanced Tools for Outcomes Management , Chapter AHA, Inc. .by Patrice Spath, 1997
P.O. Box 802,
La Grange, Illinois 60525
Telephone (708) 352-3507 Office (708) 352-3705 Fax