Alton Brantley, Principal
Dr. Brantley is a Principal in CCG. Prior to joining CCG he was Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer of MedStar Health, formed out of the merger of Helix Health of Baltimore, MD and Medlantic Healthcare Group in Washington, DC, and more recently with Georgetown University. Prior to Medstar he was with the Pennsylvania State University Milton S. Hershey Medical Center as Chief Information Officer for the 500 bed academic medical center and the College of Medicine. Prior to Hershey, he was with Duke University as the Director of Academic Computing. Dr. Brantley performed his internship, residency oncology fellowship at Duke University Medical Center. Dr. Brantley has served as a consultant to multinational pharmaceutical companies, technology companies, information technology services companies, national not-for-profit healthcare related organizations, and academic and community hospital facilities. Dr. Brantley’s expertise is in the areas of Information Technology organization structure, clinical informatics, information technology capabilities and applications, complex project structuring and management, IT aspects of mergers and acquisitions, and operations improvement through application of information technology.
- At Medstar he was responsible for a combined operating and capital budget of over $50 million in an operation of over 350 professional staff with responsibility for information systems and telecommunications
- Assumed corporate responsibility for HIPAA compliance initiative Ð structure, budget, and organization
- Was responsible for several Y2K remediation programs
- Performed IS due diligence for acquisition of Georgetown University Hospital
- Successful transitioned a university-based human resource and financial systems to a hospital operation in 60 days
- Successfully implemented multiple telephone switch conversions
- Reduced IS operating expense of $3.5 M by integrating an outsourced operation into the system
- Developed a comprehensive system-wide network communications strategy
- Created a clinical informatics program, leading to development of clinical informatics strategic plan
- Participation in e-health initiative, with operating responsibility for clinical e-health through creation of an Office of E-Health Initiatives
- Developed a strategic plan based on advancement of information and services with limited capital. Key components of the strategic plan were (1) complete view of patient information, (2) ability to look at populations of patients through decision support technology and data warehousing, (3) ability to influence clinical care, and (4) providing access to patient data ubiquitously.
- Developed a data warehouse, subsequently used to analyze patient care services and costs to support clinical operating improvements. The data warehouse was the foundation for MedStar Health winning a Smithsonian award.
- Designed and implemented of a high speed data network, built upon principles of flexibility, service continuity, and evolutionary development
- Implemented a comprehensive clinical messaging structure using HL-7 and interface engine technology. This development was based on the model of publishing and subscribing to clinical observations, with policies, procedures, and data definitions explicitly focussed on management of clinical data
- Created a campus clinical data repository for inpatient data, and subsequent implementation of the Cerner clinical data repository
- Deployed internet technology throughout enterprise
- Developed a Center for Information Technology, an organization to provide
- research and academic computing support. The goal of this group was to provide resource sharing and knowledge transfer to between a hospital and a school of medicine.
- Ph.D., Computer Science, Duke University
- M.D., Duke University School of Medicine
- B.S., Mathematics, Duke University
Professional Affiliations:
- Healthcare Information Systems Society (HIMSS)
- Maryland Society for Health Information Systems Management (MSHISM)
- Past President and Board Member 2000-2003
- President 1999-2000
- President elect and program chair 1998-1999
- Board member 1996-2003
- Member and presenter at national HIMSS meetings
Medical Licensure:
- Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Medical License Number MD-043526-L (active)
- State of North Carolina License Number 24577 dated August 16, 1980 (inactive)
2402 Fox Creek Lane, Davidsonville, MD 21035-1150
Telephone 410-881-0183 Office or 202-368-9285 Cellular
email: AltonBrantley@CavanaughConsulting.org